Our Family

Welcome family and friends. These are some of our most cherished moments and memories...we hope you enjoy sharing them with us.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Our Girls

Samantha Ashton is our oldest daughter. She may look like her Mom, but she is most definitely like her Dad.
Alexandra Nichole is our younger daughter. She has Daddy's blue eyes and fair skin, but she's just like her Mom.

They both love their adventure walks with Dad. He lets them do what Mom can't...get dirty on purpose. :-)

When we took them to the circus, they had to ride the animals. Alex picked the pony and smiled more than we have ever seen! Sam chose the elephant and was very serious the whole ride. :-) (In all fairness...the elephant was huge.)

Coming soon....the girls started cheerleading this month! :-) There will be lots and lots of pictures! I will upload them tomorrow.


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