Our Family

Welcome family and friends. These are some of our most cherished moments and memories...we hope you enjoy sharing them with us.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Ian's October Visit with Aunt Shelly

Ok...first let me say, I have the most wonderful, beautiful, special nephew in the whole world!
:-) This is Ian. He came to visit me this afternoon and we had a wonderful time playing.

The first thing that Ian and I noticed was that all our toys are pink. :-O He seemed to say...ok...it's a car...it's still a car.
:-D Then we gave R2-D2 a ride.

Next I intoduced Ian to my Cabbage Patch, Desmond. Ian liked the spiked hair, but that was about it. :-D
Ian moved on to his toys from home.
Then I brought out a small rattle.
Again...Ian was shocked..."Pink Aunt Shel?" He shook it several times...and threw it to the floor. I agreed with Ian...this was not the toy for him. :-D

Ian and I also took a stroll through the front yard and watched the birds. I had the best time! Thank you Andrea and Jeremy for the best afternoon! :-D


Blogger Jeremy said...

Anytime, Shel... anytime.

9:29 AM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

Thank you so much! Great pictures...it's so fun to see him playing. You're the best!

9:30 AM  

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