Our Family

Welcome family and friends. These are some of our most cherished moments and memories...we hope you enjoy sharing them with us.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Snow Day!!!

It turned out to be our first Snow Day today! :-D The girls were just thrilled! Here is Adam's car...covered with a thick layer of ice and then snow! 8-O

The view as I peeked around the corner of our garage.

Here is a picture of the highway out front of our house. There is a truck coming towards me...but it is very hard to see with all the snow coming down!

The sky is so grey! Lots and Lots of snow.

Our poor tree is weighed down with the ice that fell first and then with all the snow that is falling right now.

After a warm breakfast of French Toast :-D the girls played in Adam's room. Alex is busy dressing her doll.

Sammie is using the Paint program and being artistic! :-)


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