Our Family

Welcome family and friends. These are some of our most cherished moments and memories...we hope you enjoy sharing them with us.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Our Special Day

Yesterday, Grandma and Grandpa took our girls for their second overnight trip of the summer and we went to Lake Placid. :) We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day! The weather was in the 70's and the sky was incredibly beautiful! I asked Adam to pull over and let me take a picture of it. I will remember this day always....it was wonderful, filled with lots of joy and laughing! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!

The guy working at the dock, (we nicknamed him Jimmy :D), offered to take a pic of us together once we were safely in the boat.

This was the view from our boat! This was so fun because Adam could barely fit, his legs were so long, and I could barely touch the pedals! LOL We laughed so hard we thought that we would never make it back to the dock! :D What a beautiful view!

This is the coffee shop where I made my first purchase of the day. :) A double shot mocha iced latte....and a new Wild Cherry handmade coffee scoop.

This is the trolley that kept going up and down the Main Street in Lake Placid as we went from shop to shop.

This is the restaurant that we parked in front of all day.

We asked a stranger standing next to us to snap a pic of us together in front of the water before we left Lake Placid. :)

I am truly getting old. Adam asked what rides I would like to try and I looked all around saying....that one will make me sick....that one doesn't look safe... LOL :D So, we opted for shopping all the booths, and playing the games. It was so much fun....much like slot machines.

As the night went on we finally slowed down. Adam went to get us Carnival Food, while I saved us a seat on an open bench. This was such a wonderful day. :)


Blogger Merredith and Bruce said...

Shelley.... Great pictures!!! Sounds like the two of you had a great get-away-together Day!!.. Thanks for sharing...Aunt Merredith

10:12 AM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

As we were looking at the pics, Jeremy kept saying that he wanted to go to a fair :-) LOL. It looks like so much fun!

9:08 PM  
Blogger Adam and Raechell said...

Aunt Merredith, Thank you...I thought you might like the mountain pics! :)

Fred and Bonnie...We are so glad you all had so much fun together! The girls are still talking about it! :D

J & A~ I hope a fair comes around there soon! It is so much fun...you both have to go! :D

Much love ya'll!

7:15 AM  

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