Our Family

Welcome family and friends. These are some of our most cherished moments and memories...we hope you enjoy sharing them with us.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Cheerleading Practice 2006

Tonight we got to cheerleading practice a bit early, so the girls warmed up while they waited for everyone to show up.

When everyone was there, they warmed up.

Then they were off to practice stunts.

Their friend Michaela showed up and was moved to another group to practice stunts.

Alex way up high once again! :D

Alex loving cheering. :)

Sam and Michaela helped lead the others in a cheer.

Alex helped lead them all in a cheer.

Trying to decide what cheer to do next.

Michaela cheering!

The night was a lot of fun. (I enjoyed visiting with Nanette and my folks while the girls cheered.) :)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

First Day of School

The first day of school was so much fun. :D The girls were dressed and ready early. (surprise, surprise) :) So, I took pics of them heading out to walk to school.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sam and Alex get Highlights!

Ok...I had promised the girls earlier in the summer, that in the fall (before school started) they could get highlights. Well...with one day left before school starts...I finally got to it. :D

I started with Sam. When I was done pulling her hair through...she had so much on top...I was afraid she wouldn't have any brown left! :O

But after applying the product, I could see some brown left...and took a good long breath! :D

As you can see, Sam is really taking to being a honey blonde brunette. :D

Is it just me or is she looking more and more like a teenager?!?!?!

After dinner was Alex's turn. :D

She was such a trooper. She has the most sensitive scalp...and through tears she kept saying..."I will be blonde...I will be blonde!"

Again...Alex doesn't seem to be struggling with her new look either! :D She loves being blonde. Just loves it.

Alex has hugged me three times now...thanking me each and every time. She has been wandering around saying over and over, "I can't believe I am finally blonde again. :D

Both plan on staying blonde. :D There is a certain feeling that goes with that color, isn't there!?!?! :) Mommy may have to get a few highlights...you know just to match our girls! LOL :D