Our Family

Welcome family and friends. These are some of our most cherished moments and memories...we hope you enjoy sharing them with us.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Girls at Play in the 1st Good Snow of 2007

It snowed really good last night and the girls were dieing to play out in it all day. Yes, it's 4:37 right now...and getting dark already.

Band Concert 2007

Last night Sam had her Christmas Band Concert. She did a great job and we were so proud of her!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Sam's school band played at Tommy's Downtown

Tommy's downtown hosted a visit from Santa! While everyone waited for Santa to arrive, the elementary band played Christmas songs. Santa led the last one when he came in. (It was very exciting for Sam because channel 10 news showed up to video tape the event for the news.) This was a lot of fun! :D

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Well, our Thanksgiving was a very relaxed and wonderful one. It started with a fun phone call to my folks in GA.
Followed by cooking and then transporting. We all got together at Mom and Dad Conn's house. The food was great, the conversation funny and the games...well...very competitive! :D LOL A good time was had by all and ended with Dad and Princess having a good snooze. After food, but before napping Jeremy called to wish everyone a Happy Turkey Day! PS...thanks for the computer advice Jeremy...I'm sure there will be a few more calls before one is finally purchased! ;) God Bless our family that is far away...hope your day was equally fun and relaxing. Love you all! XOXO

Thanksgiving Eve 2007

Well, it's snowing already! :) Surprise, surprise.
Alex was playing on the computer with her doll from Aunt Andrea and Uncle Jeremy...had to take a pic of that too! She was moving the doll's hand to push the keys on the keyboard. Too Cute! :D

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Daddy Verses Sammie :D

This is so funny...had to share. :D On Sunday afternoon Adam and I were playing Galaga on his arcade game. He beat me to say the least and put his score in the #1 spot, bumping Sammie from the top.
The very next day, Sam played the game until she could put her score in the #1 spot.
Last night, Adam came home and played until his score reached 108,000 and put that in the top spot!
Laughing this morning he kissed her good-bye and said top that one! :D
She just brought me a hand written note to give to him when he comes in tonight.
"138,350! That is my Galaga score! ha ha! Crash and Burn my friend, Crash and Burn! I am the new champion! Beat that! Love your arch enemy, Sam. It's saved too...go see!! :D "
I ask you...do they get funnier than Adam with our girls?!?!? I think not. LOL
The saga continues....

Monday, November 05, 2007

Chocolate-Glazed Pumpkin Cookies

These little beauties are just delightful! :D Had to share a pic. I made them in a total rush tonight and was thrilled with the simplicity of the recipe. They are a wonderful treat with Turkey Day coming up!
The description that won me over:
These pillowy treats take a note from Thanksgiving's "it" pie, combining pumpkin and spice-so nice! :D YUM!
I found the recipe in The Everyday Food Mag. by Martha Stewart, the November issue. It's a good thing! :D